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Package of Meditations: Christian Rulers and Saints


A package of 10 channeling meditations.



In this amazing package, you will meet representatives of the Christian religion: Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and several saints. You will be able to see these representatives of the official church from a somewhat different perspective, from the standpoint of energies rather than beliefs.
  • You will immerse yourself in the Loving Energies of the Great Mother,
  • receive Divine support from Master Sananda and his twin flame Mary Magdalene,
  • experience bliss with Saint Seraphim of Sarov,
    feel light joy with Sister Hildegard of Bingen,
    dive into the energies of Magic with Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker,
  • and the caring energies of Saint Spyridon.
    Learn about the great service with Matrona of Moscow.

Why practice meditation with the Saints?
Prayer is the personal connection of an individual to the Personality, while meditation is the mind and Soul connecting to the energies of the Divine. You will be able to immerse yourself in the purest, loving, and supportive energies. Receive Spiritual Gifts and unforgettable sensations.

You will be able to cleanse, fill yourself, and receive assistance in your earthly affairs.

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